Saturday, October 26, 2013


The paster at the church I attend talked one morning about how people often put God in "boxes", only accessing or even noticing certain aspects of Him when it's convenient. I think we can tend to do this with life. As we grow, we put the good things in one, the really good things in another, sad things in one, and the make-you-want-to-let-your-mascara-filled-tears-fall-in-to-a-tub-of-double-chocolate-ice-cream moments in another. It's really easy and convenient to only get in to a box when we want it, and keep the others at distance when we don't. It's easy to only let the people around us see specific parts of our lives, our thoughts, and our souls. Not only are we kidding those around us when we do this, but we are kidding ourselves: taking pieces of ourselves away, and clouding our hearts from being seen by others and also seeing the beauty in things around us.....even within the really grim things.

This blog is about un-fogging our hearts and our minds. It's about taking off the blindfold to the things we are too scared to see, or too worried to notice. 

Taking off the blindfold to see ourselves, others, God, beauty, fear, faith, love, sadness, pain, and all the others things that this crazy-beautiful world brings us.

Because when we do, I think we will experience what life is really all about....with eyes and hearts wide open.

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