Wednesday, December 25, 2013

It Really Is a Merry Christmas...

Our house has always been the holiday catch-all....there is never just family there, always a friend or five, and it's always great. We always open packages up first thing in the morning, and then my parents make breakfast while my sister and I organize things, clean up the wrapping paper, watch TV, and usually make jokes about my parents in some way or another. The dog is always getting in to anything and everything, and the house stays full of amazing smells all day.

Christmas is Christmas, and it always has been. It has always been about family coming together, celebrating Jesus, giving gifts, making amazing food, eating way too many sugary treats, playing games, and laying around all day with family and friends.

As today approached, I knew that I would miss home, but I didn't realize that when I skyped my family in the morning, that I would wish I could smell the biscuits and gravy, or cuddle my dog while playing cards with my sister and her boyfriend. I instantly thought about all of the small things that I didn't really realize I had noticed before.

There were many things I missed, and many people I missed even more. But today, was a darn good Christmas.

I didn't wake up instantly thinking about the gifts I had under the tree. I didn't wake up and wonder what I would wear for the day, or worry about my hair or make-up. Let's make it clear that there are days where when I DEFINITELY need to protect the eye-sight of others...but Christmas Day wasn't one of those days....

Today, I was simply excited to just be surrounded by happy people, go to the Christmas morning service, and spend the day laughing, cooking, and making the day ONLY about the spirit of Christmas.

Don't get me wrong.....I love presents. They make me smile, and I LOVE giving gifts. Gift giving is my love language, and I won't ever be upset to receive something wrapped with a big, pretty bow....BUT, it was truly nice to have a day that is so commonly fluffed with materials to just simply be about the Holiday.....about Jesus, family, friends, laughs, messed-up schedules, messy floors, and love.

I am not intending this to be a judgement at all on the way people spend their holidays....because if I were in America, I would be perfectly happy with the good 'ol way we have always celebrated. I simply feel blessed to experience the holiday the way I did today. It was a new and beautiful perspective on the holiday, and will likely impact the way I celebrate Christmas in the future. I don't know what it will look like, but I know that today changed my Christmas.

Still at 9:00pm, you can hear parties, loud music, people celebrating, fireworks, good times, and there is still a lingering smell of amazing food. I can hear people laughing, and just a few minutes ago, some of the kids praying.

Today was different.
Today was hard.
Today was good.
Today was Christmas.

I hope each of you had a beautiful Christmas. Whatever it was surrounded around,  I hope it was filled with love, family, laughs, and good food. I hope each of you feel nourished and complete at the end of your holiday.....and that you are reminded, once more, of the beauty of a family.

Lots of love and many hugs to you all........MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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